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Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur (1483-1530) was not only a writer, poet, scientist, but also a major statesman and commander, who occupied a special place in the culture, literature and poetry of the medieval East. While Babur, with his broad outlook and excellent mind, founded the Baburid dynasty in India, whose name went down in the history of this ...
A round table dedicated to birthdays was held Alisher Navoi and Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur
The Electromagnetic Compatibility Service of the Republic of Karakalpakstan organized a round table dedicated to the celebration of the 583rd anniversary of the birth of Alisher Navoi and the 541st anniversary of the birth of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur. During the round table, information was given about the life and work of our great ancestors A...
A meeting was held “Results of the enterprise’s activities for 2023 and tasks for 2024”
On February 2 of this year, the results of 2023 and the main tasks set for 2024 were discussed at the State Unitary Enterprise “Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility”. The heads of all departments and services of the enterprise, as well as regional services, took part in it. At the beginning of the meeting, the leaders emphasized the main goa...
Corruption is an obstacle to the development of our state
On January 30 of this year, the Electromagnetic Compatibility Service of the Republic of Karakalpakstan held a seminar on the topic “Corruption is an obstacle to the development of our state.” At the seminar, the head of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Service of the Republic of Karakalpakstan I.K. Reimov explained the elements of corruption, th...
Hour of political enlightenment
Every Friday, the Electromagnetic Compatibility Service of the Bukhara Region organizes a “Political Education Hour” for employees. At this event, employees will learn about important events taking place in our country and abroad, as well as about the measures being implemented by our government for the development of the country. Similar events ...
Study hour
On January 25 of this year, another hour of legal training was conducted through the ZOOM platform for employees of the central office of the State Unitary Enterprise "Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility", the Electromagnetic Compatibility Services of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regions.   At this training hour, category 2 engineer of...
Information Security Policy
On January 22, 2024, a training seminar was held for SEMC employees of the Khorezm region with the participation of senior lecturer of the information security department of the Urgench branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad Al-Khorezmi Turdiev Temur Takhirovich and trainee teacher Azizbek Pirnazarovich K...
Timely consideration of appeals is a priority task of the SEMC of the Syrdarya region
Today in our country much attention is paid to the timely and high-quality consideration of requests from legal entities and individuals. Based on the requirements of the current legislation, state bodies, organizations, as well as their officials, when considering appeals, are obliged to comply with the requirements of the Constitution and laws of...
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